Iindaba zeShishini
Ungathini isitayile sevegan yesikhumba?
Intshayelelo: I-Vegan Leather yindlela entle kulusu ngokwesintu. Inobuhlobo obunobuhlobo, yinto yenkohlakalo yasimahla, kwaye iza ngeendlela ezahlukeneyo kunye nemibala. Nokuba ufuna ibhatyi entsha, ibhulukhwe yebhulukhwe, okanye ibhegi yesitayile, isikhumba seVegan sinokunxiba ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Ukucoca kunye nokukhathalela isikhumba seVegan?
Introduction: As more and more people become conscious of the impact their choices have on the environment, they are looking for sustainable and cruelty-free alternatives to traditional leather products. I-Vegan Leather yindlela entle engalunganga kuphela kwiplanethi, kodwa ihlale kwaye ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Zithini izibonelelo zolusu lweVELEN?
Isikhumba seVegan asisiyo isikhumba. Zizinto zokwenziwa ezenziwe kwi-polyviny ye-phecviny ye-chloride (pvc) kunye nePolytune. This kind of leather has been around for about 20 years, but it is only now that it has become more popular because of the environmental benefits. Izibonelelo zesikhumba zeVegan zi ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Imvelaphi kunye nembali ye-cork kunye nesikhumba se-cork
I-Cork isetyenziselwe iminyaka engama-5000 njengendlela yokutywina. An amphora, discovered at Ephesus and dating from the first century BCE was so effectively sealed with a cork stopper that it still contained wine. AmaGrike amandulo ayesebenzisa ukwenza iimbadada kunye ne-chinese yamandulo kunye ne-bab ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-rfq ye-cork ulusu
Ngaba isikhumba se-COCK Eco-Enzulu? Isikhumba se-COK senziwe kwi-bark ye-cork oak, besebenzisa iindlela zokuvuna kwesandla amahlakani eenkulungwane. Ixolo linokuvunwa kube kanye kwiminyaka elithoba, inkqubo eyingenelo emthini kwaye isukela ixesha layo lobomi. Ukulungiswa ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Iinkcukacha ezibalulekileyo zeCork Lesather Lenuathers kunye neengxabano ezithile zokusingqongileyo kunye nezokuziphatha
Isikhumba sesikhumba se-Cork kubalulekile ukuba siqonde ukuba akukho the qongqele nkqokwe apha. Umgangatho wolusu lwe-Cork luya kuxhomekeka kumgangatho we-cork esetyenzisiweyo kunye nesombatho esibuhlungu. Isikhumba sivela kwizilwanyana ezininzi ezahlukeneyo kunye ne-rangs kwi-uprit ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Malunga nesikhumba se-vegan vegan kufuneka wazi zonke iinkcukacha
Yintoni isikhumba seCork? Isikhumba se-COK senziwe kwi-bark ye-cork oak. Cork Oaks grow naturally in the Mediterranean region of Europe, which produces 80% of the world's cork, but high-quality cork is now also being grown in China and India. Imithi ye-COK kufuneka iphumelele iminyaka engama-25 ngaphambi kokuba i-bark ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Isikhumba seVegan sinokuba yi-100% yomxholo we-bio
Isikhumba seVegan sisixhobo esenziwe ukuba sijongeke ngathi yinto yokwenyani. Yindlela entle yokongeza ukuchukumisa ubunewunewu kwikhaya lakho okanye kwishishini lakho. Ungayisebenzisa yonke into kwizitulo nakwizilwanyana kwiitafile namakhethini. Ayisiyiyo kuphela i-vegan lesikhumba ijongeka intle, kodwa ikwimo yendawo ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Isikhumba seVegan Faux sisiya kwaye sibe se-mroe fashion
With the growing focus on sustainability materials, more and more brands of shoes and bags start to souce and use the Vegan faux leather for their products. Abathengi abangakumbi nangaphezulu bayazidla ngokuthenga iimveliso ezenziwe kwizixhobo ezisekelezwe. Njengomthengisi oqeqeshiweyo wezinto zesikhumba zeFaux esikhumbeni, t ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-bioeccomino yaseYurophu yomelele, kunye nokuphuma konyaka we-780 yezigidi zeerandi kwishishini le-bio-esekwe kwi-bio
1. State of the EU bioeconomy Analysis of 2018 Eurostat data shows that in the EU27 + UK, the total turnover of the entire bioeconomy, including primary sectors such as food, beverages, agriculture and forestry, was just over €2.4 trillion, compared to 2008 Annual growth of about 25%. Ukutya ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-Mashroom Vegan Leather
Mushroom leather brought in some pretty decent profits.The fungus-based fabric has officially launched with big names like Adidas, Lululemon, Stella McCarthy and Tommy Hilfiger on handbags, sneakers, yoga mats, and even pants made from mushroom leather. Ngokwedatha yamva nje kwi-Grand Vie ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-USDA ikhuphe uhlalutyo lwempembelelo yezoqoqosho lweemveliso zase-US
July 29, 2021 – United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Justin Maxson today, on the 10th anniversary of the creation of the USDA's Certified Biobased Product Label, unveiled an Economic Impact Analysis of the US Biobased Products Industry. ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo